Wednesday, July 21, 2010

OUTING again!!!

Today was like a "what" that world which i dunno how to say it out.. wow the feeling is so great haha.. yesterday i sleep at 3am inthe morning cause of i have offday on tomorrow haha how GREAT is it???

so i wake up at 1230 pm and go bath and go post office to pat the billing things haha.. but the person there said that no need to pay cause is RM0... haha so how GREAT is it??? *again* haha

plus i have a movie with my popular friends which is matt mj edmond. that movie is the most confuse and most cool haha... that's is INCEPTION

This movie is about 230 hours time to watch it. and the movie start at 250 pm. before that i saw ming yen AHHH~~~ so cool i though i will hard to see her d... at that moment i feel so happy... GREAT!!! we have a little chat and so do Edmond also cause he also saw a few friends... Errmmmm... i think is not "few" is "many" haha...

then movie finish at 420pm wow feel so GREAT after watch the movie... GENG LA!!! and i heard that many feel so confuse about the movie... haha.. what la is it they in real word or is it the in dream??? haha... many comment i heard haha.. feel funny about them la.

plus the toilet was really full of people... damn is hard to enter. so pack!!!

Then we decide to go for dinner and wow.. we decide so long time then baru go sakae sushi there... haiz...

when so step in and find a place to sit then we saw something on the floor d... got!! bone!!!

so we just ignore it haiz...

then we had order some food individually

my food.. i dunno what it call again... Argh... dunno what chicken what don... haha

Edmond have a posing with his food too haha... XD

this 1 is MJ's food.. which gyu "what what" i duno the name la haha XD

matt also the same still posing haha XD and he cant wait to eat IT!!!

this the Paul's family that they mention wanna eat... XD the octopuses

below is the food we wanna eat... how great is it... when wanna eat but must looking at the wallet FIRST!!! HAHA..!!!

then the total was over hundred ringgit which is RM122++ and we also take some sushi beside than order the food XD... damn nice and GREAT!!!

for guys we wanna go for gaming then after think we still dun wan go d... and we keep walking to one phone shop to another... and book store also the same. First MPH then popular... can we saw xiao luan jie haha

Plus i and MJ was watching the K-song mv wow... damn nice to watch with the 60 inch LCD or what tv is that... damn... nice la

so we went back but before that we go see matt's house, wanna see how big is it haha... wei is 3 floor... cool!! and we also go see ed's friend house wow... is REALLY DAMN BIG... HOW RICH THEY ARE...!!!

Then we all go back d. i reached home is abt 1030 pm d haha..

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