Monday, October 6, 2008


6日10月 小雨
Today is my 18th Birthday and also deborah too ya... but this year de "ang mo" birthday cannot eat cake cause this year meet with the vegetarian day^^ but i already celebrate it my"teng lang"birthday liao ^^ hehe~~
Jel,PC and deborah also give me a gift too thx ^^ so happy as long is a gift ^^

But this year is like a bit boring lo...
if can see the video that is my 16th Birthday at my friend's house, JJ. And the lucky is my birthday is the same day as the FULL MOON day(八月十五) and of cause is his have a party in that day so he celebrate my Birthday too...
今天是吃素的最后两天,haiz...也就是=日子一天一天的过去又要到考试的一天了 :( 好怕哦~~~~还有我的 lower6 就这样子结束吗?

my friend, JESS gave me a this gift^^
she's leg was pain but still want to gave me present I'm so happy and thanks for her gift so感动!!!

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